Aptana Radrails: An Ide for Rails Development  

This book will show you how to get the most of the Community Edition of Aptana
RadRails for developing Ruby on Rails projects. Apart from the features provided by
RadRails, the book will give you an overview of working with the Eclipse IDE
will show you how to use the Eclipse functionalities that are relevant for Ruby and
Rails development., and

This book is not about the Ruby programming language
framework. Even if you don’t need to be an expert, you should already be familiar
with the language and the framework to get the most from this book. or the Ruby on Rails

Chapters 1 and 2 will show you how to install and configure Aptana RadRails, and
will help you find your way around the Eclipse IDE. If you have previous experience
with Eclipse , and you have already installed Aptana RadRails, then you can proceed
directly to Chapter 3.

Chapters 3 to 8 are a complete reference to each of the components of RadRails,
including all the configuration options.

Finally, in Chapter 9 you will find documentation about some complementary
plugins you can use for connecting to a database
source repositories. and for managing your
