Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008

management system in PHP 5, there are times when you simply have to roll-your-own, for whatever reason. In those situations, this book will be invaluable. If you’re looking for an inside guide to putting together the working framework of a flexible, robust content management system in PHP 5, this book is for you. As a former development team leader on the renowned Mambo open-source content management system, author Martin Brampton offers unique insight and practical guidance into the problem of building an architecture for a content management system. Following the scene-setting first chapter, each chapter in the book tackles a different aspect of developing the author’s new Aliro PHP 5 CMS framework, with: . A concise statement of the problem .
Discussion of the important design issues and problems faced . Creation of the framework solution The framework is built on a strongly object-oriented architecture throughout, including adherence to MVC principles, and you will learn how to create classes for handling such things as menus, modules, components, sessions, and user tracking. Administration and security issues are discussed as an integral part of the design and implementation of framework features. ”
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PHP and Web,
Web Design
by M3ele3
LifeLock and LoudSiren have been well known as the company which provide you the service of identity protection service that allow you to do any transaction in a secure condition where you do not have to be worried about your identity being stolen by irresponsible people who will use it to commit some crime and giving the effect of bad name for you and your family.
You can compare LoudSiren and Lifelock in the website at and find the reviews about the comparison between the two companies. On the website you can see that LoudSiren offers you lower price and monthly payment. You can also see more comparison in the aspects of overall rating, best feature they have, basic service provided, free credit report options, insurance options, service guarantee, company reputation, and many more. You can use them as your consideration points of what service from what company that you want to take.
Both of the companies is giving you guarantee of $1 million but the overall rating shows that Loud Siren has the better reputation of company service. For more details about the specifications of the service they provide, you can check the website of both companies. You can also find out about their special offer of price and discounts.
by M3ele3

First you’ll learn how to build out your shared, virtual, or dedicated host. Then, you’ll see how to build your applications for production and deploy them with one step, every time. Deploying Rails Applications will take you from a simple shared host through a highly scalable clustered and balanced setup with Nginx. See how to tell whether you’ve bought enough firepower, and learn how to optimize your Rails projects applications in a systemic, rational way. Take advantage of advanced caching techniques, and become and expert with the latest servers in Nginx and Mongrel.
Don’t worry. You’ll get a dose of Apache too. Not only will you learn how to configure your production environment, you’ll also see how to monitor it with free, automated tools that can restart your servers when the memory use gets too high for comfort. You’ll see how to take a performance baseline, profile for bottlenecks, and solve the most common performance problems you’re likely to see.
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by M3ele3
Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Mobile Web services offer new possibilities and extraordinary rewards for the mobile telecommunications market.
Service-oriented architectures (SOAs) implemented with Web services are fundamentally changing business processes supported by distributed computing. These technologies bring forward the promise of services available at any time, in any place, and on any platform. Through mobile Web services, operators can offer new value-added services for their users, explore new business opportunities and increase revenue and customer retention.This expands the commercial opportunities for developers to promote their applications and enables solutions that work seamlessly across computer and mobile environments.
Mobile Web Services is a comprehensive, up-to-date and practical guide to adapting mobile Web services-based applications. The expert author team from Nokia explain in depth the software architecture and application development interfaces needed to develop solutions for these technologies.
Mobile Web Services: Architecture and Implementation:
Provides a complete and authoritative text on implementing mobile Web services.
Describes the mobile Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) concept.
Covers the discovery, description and security of Web services.
Explains how to use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) in Web service messaging.
Discusses the challenges and possibilities of mobile Web services, and gives case studies to illustrate the application of the technology.
Presents the Nokia Mobile Web Services platform.
Offers material on developing mobile Web service clients using C++ and Java.
This text is essential reading for wireless Web architects, mobile application developers and programmers, software developers, technical officers and consultants, as well as advanced students in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
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by M3ele3

Telecommunications is an old and stable technology if you think only of telephones and telegraph. But in the 1960s came computers and the processing of data. Soon, we needed data communications to transmit data to remote PCs connected by networks. Later, these points of communications increased in number, with the transmission being no longer limited to data but included text, voice and even images and video.
This book explains in clear and simple language the development of this technology, the management of telecommunications and the many applications that are now possible because of telecommunications.
PART ONE deals with an overview of telecommunications technology. Here you will learn about early transmission principles, how data is carried over networks, analogue and digital signals, e-mail, the Internet and the various standards and compression techniques.
PART TWO shows how these technologies are managed and organized as part of the Information Technology structure. This might be a client-server approach on the corporate level, or as part of the regional infrastructure .Security “firewalls” and encryption methods are explained as well as the planning, acquisition and maintenance of resources needed for computers interconnected by telecommunications.
PART THREE is concerned with the very latest applications for telecommunications: multimedia, message handling; teleworking; e-mail; Electronic Data Interchange; teleconferencing; video conferencing; home shopping, distance learning, electronic publishing; movies-on-demand; digital library; telemedicine; information services; cybercash etc. It puts the technology in context and illustrates the new services on offer and changing culture of the telecommunications age.
This is an excellent beginners guide to telecommunications. It explains in a manner that is non baffling to the novice, both the technology in use and its implications for working practices today.
Clear simple language
Puts telecommunications technology in context as well as explaining how it works
A comprehensive glossary of key words and terminology is offered
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by M3ele3
Looking for the medical measurement tools like glucose meter? Why you just visiting the, the online superstore for several medical instruments. With the complete stock of self-medical instruments, makes this site become the top rated site for the medical instruments.
By browsing for desired medical instrument you want to purchase, you can choose that stuff in several categories like glucose meter, and nicotine gum as the replacement product for cigarettes. Visit the online store now at to get the latest discount or clearance sale of several items, like now there is a promotion in glucose meter product, for every purchased on several type of glucose strips, you will get the glucose meter for free.
By visiting their online store, you will get the extra benefit of online consultation by phone or by email with their professional and well-experienced staffs, so you would not buy the wrong medical instruments, because it is recommended for everyone that wants to buy the medical instruments to do the consultation first before buying the product, because its not only help you to find the appropriate instrument, but also give you extra explanation about the usage of those instruments. What are you waiting for? Lets check out the website right now.
by M3ele3
Kamis, 03 Juli 2008

Networking Explained 2E offers a comprehensive overview of computer networking, with new chapters and sections to cover the latest developments in the field, including voice and data wireless networking, multimedia networking, and network convergence.
Gallo and Hancock provide a sophisticated introduction to their subject in a clear, readable format. These two top networking experts answer hundreds of questions about hardware, software, standards, and future directions in network technology.
Wireless networks
Convergence of voice and data
Multimedia networking
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by M3ele3

Collaborative Networks: Reference Modeling works to establish a theoretical foundation for Collaborative Networks. Particular emphasis is put on modeling multiple facets of collaborative networks and establishing a comprehensive modeling framework that captures and structures diverse perspectives of these complex entities. Further, this book introduces a contribution to the definition of reference models for Collaborative Networks.
Collaborative Networks: Reference Modeling provides valuable elements for researchers, PhD students, engineers, managers, and leading practitioners interested in collaborative systems and networked society.
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by M3ele3
Choosing the right hardware is the basic way to get the best performance for your IT needs, to get the updated products for your hardware you can visit at, they provide many switches, routers and other hardware to complete your security systems from Cisco, Juniper, Extreme etc. To get the best security systems you must using firewalls for your system protector, this firewall can protect your online business.
From the main page you can see many services and products they provide to satisfy your IT needs, they provide new and refurbished telecommunication products such as circuit cards, Meridian, Norstar and others, they also provide servers from many manufacturers like IBM, HP- Compaq and Dell, actually they also give Authorized Cisco training for professional.
So if you want to get IT solution you can visit they website from now and get your products or services maybe you need, if you still have question you also can live chat with the customer service, they will assist you to solve your IT problem. Don’t worry about the prices, they will give the best prices for you, they also can buy your used gear if you want to cash your gear, they site also readable using Spain language if you want to read using Spanish.
by M3ele3
Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

Ensuring secure transmission and good quality of service (QoS) in ad hoc wireless networks are key commercial concerns. Focusing on practical potential solutions, this text covers security and QoS in these networks. Starting with a review of the basic principles of ad hoc wireless networking, coverage progresses to vulnerabilities, and the requirements and solutions necessary to tackle them. QoS in relation to ad hoc networks is covered in detail, with specific attention to routing, QoS support in unicast communication, and recent developments in the area. Secure routing, intrusion detection, security in WiMax networks and trust management are also covered, the latter being based on principles and practice of key management and authentication in distributed networks. Representing the state-of-the-art in ad hoc wireless network security, this book is a valuable resource for researchers in electrical and computer engineering, as well as practitioners in the wireless communications industry.
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by M3ele3

Topics covered: All aspects of VMware 3.0 Workstation (from VMware Corporation) for both the Windows and Linux versions of the software. Coverage of the two variants is approximately equal. In addition to explaining how to install both kinds of VMware, the author shows how guest systems behave–in terms of disk usage, driver compatibility, device sharing, networking, and all other major systems–in both environments. There’s great coverage of FreeBSD as a guest system.
There’s only so much you can do by multitasking applications. Frequently, you just need another computer for testing software, trying out network configurations, or doing any of a dozen things that engineers and administrators need to do. VMware allows you to run several virtual machines on one physical computer, each completely independent of the others at all levels and each potentially running a different operating system. The Book of VMware provides full documentation on running both versions of this tremendously useful utility–Windows and Linux–and goes into great detail on how it goes about dividing the resources of a single physical box. If you want to know how the Linux version of VMware manages the file systems of a Windows guest operating system, or how USB devices are shared across multiple virtual machines, this book is the single best resource for you.
Brian Ward’s prose style is pretty dry; you won’t read this one from front to back, and it’s unlikely you’ll even read a chapter straight through unless you’re encountering a problem and want to know everything potentially related to it. More likely, you’ll use the index to locate Ward’s coverage of FreeBSD disk-lettering schemes (or whatever) and read the several pages of text and illustrations he devotes to the matter. This is a specialized reference book, and a very good one. –David Wall
Topics covered: All aspects of VMware 3.0 Workstation (from VMware Corporation) for both the Windows and Linux versions of the software. Coverage of the two variants is approximately equal. In addition to explaining how to install both kinds of VMware, the author shows how guest systems behave–in terms of disk usage, driver compatibility, device sharing, networking, and all other major systems–in both environments. There’s great coverage of FreeBSD as a guest system.
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by M3ele3

There’s a reason that a large slice of the open-source movement has defected from running Linux on its laptops to running Mac OS X. The reason is the Unix core that underlies Mac OS X, and the development tools that run on that core. Cocoa makes it easy to create very slick Mac OS X interfaces for software (as well as to create applications in a hurry), and this new edition of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X does an excellent job of teaching its readers how to put a Cocoa face on top of code (Objective-C code almost exclusively). If you know something about C and/or C++ programming and want to apply your skills to the Mac, this is precisely the book you want.
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by M3ele3
A lightning GPS is the most powerful and manageable GPS devices industries for as the best tracking devices. The lighting GPS devices itself is suitable for specific purposes, such as law enforcement use, asset tracking use, personal tracking use, and also the fleet tracking use. The use of GPS tracking devices itself is supported by the law bureau because of the consideration in security and criminality happen today. Lightning GPS itself is the next generation industry in providing GPS Tracking devices that gives solution for our control in security and safety.
From their official site, we can see several advantages of using this tracking device. The world of place we are living today is facing criminality in high percentage. In United States only, reported that there are 1.2 million vehicles stolen in 2002.
Research found in every 25.3 seconds, one vehicle is being stolen in United States. Therefore, the use of this GPS tracking device is gently urgent for most people today. It makes the law bureau is also encouraging people to have the tracking device that will also can protect yourself and your stuffs. For your safety from theft, you can start to use the tracking device and search also explore onto internet to find the best GPS device for you own use.
by M3ele3
Selasa, 01 Juli 2008

The main focus of Pro Web 2.0 Application Development with GWT is a case study of a real Web 2.0 application called
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PHP and Web,
by M3ele3

In 100 pages, you will learn to create and use widgets using Dashcode. Widgets are simple, typically small applications for a specific purpose, such as a weather report, a calculator, a stock quote, and the like that reside on the Mac Dashboard. Building these before Dashcode was time consuming though not hard; but now, you can whip up a widget fast. Creating Mac Widgets with Dashcode teaches you how.
- Up to date with Leopard
- The fast and easy way to learn to build widgets. You’ll be building widgets in an hour.
- Dashcode makes widget development simple.
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by M3ele3
Senin, 30 Juni 2008

javaScript is one of the most important technologies on the web. It provides the means to add dynamic functionality to your web pages and serves as the backbone of Ajax-style web development. Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax is an essential guide for modern JavaScript programming, its practical but comprehensive. It covers everything you need to know to get up to speed with JavaScript development to add dynamic enhancements to web pages and program Ajax-style applications.
Experienced web developer Christian Heilmann begins gently by giving you an overview of JavaScriptits syntax, good coding practices, and the principles of DOM scripting. Then he builds up your JavaScript toolkit, covering dynamically manipulating markup, changing page styling on the fly using the CSS DOM, validating forms, dealing with images, and much more. Then he takes you to advanced territory, with a complete case study illustrating how many new JavaScript techniques can work together, plus a great introduction to Ajax development..
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by M3ele3
Easy Online Payday Loan knows as the number one site that can fill your need of faxless payday loan. It is a remarkable resource that offers you with fast and simple way in process of registration. Like any other payday loan, Easy Online Payday Loan required the borrower with at least 18 years of age that has a direct deposit system set in the local bank also regular source of income. You can sign up directly over their official site by filling their simple application form. Through faxless payday loan, you can get loan from $100 to any number you need to cover your spending
Faxless payday loan offers you with no credit payday loan. This loan is secured and its security against with your future paycheck. Even though done through online application process, the transaction and all information given are completely done privately.
Like any other payday loan company, Faxless Payday Loan’s lenders are required basic requirement to qualify their customer. However, faxless payday loan offers different benefits that may any companies can not do. In faxless payday loan, there will be no credit payday loan in your loan. Therefore, you do not need to be worried of your future paycheck.
by M3ele3

The newest edition of the classic An Introduction to Database Systems incorporates the latest developments in relational databases, including semantic modeling, decision support, and temporal modeling. There’s better information on distributed databases, security, and the mathematics of relational databases too. With the same strong coverage of fundamental theory that made its predecessors stand out, this book ranks as the definitive textbook for those studying database systems.
This is an extraordinarily academic book. In his preface, C.J. Date goes so far as to lament having to use Structured Query Language (SQL) in some of his examples because it’s “so far from being a true embodiment of relational principles.” What’s more, he writes in a very academic style, peppering his heavily footnoted prose with mathematical expressions and words like relevar and tuple. The academic style and highbrow language isn’t a bad thing, since this book deals with complicated, largely abstract phenomena in depth.
Be aware that An Introduction to Database Systems is a far cry from the highly graphical, problem-focused books that target the community of commercial database developers, and as such requires more careful study. This book is about theories, concepts, and ideals rather than problems, solutions, and specific implementations. Per se, it will enable you to become a better database programmer–but only if you supplement it with practical guides and hands-on experience. –David Wall
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by M3ele3

Perl by Example, Fourth Edition, is the easiest, most hands-on way to learn Perl. Legendary Silicon Valley programming instructor Ellie Quigley has thoroughly updated her classic to deliver the skills and information today’s Perl users need most–including all-new coverage of MySQL database programming and a Perl QuickStart designed to get experienced users up and running fast.
Quigley illuminates every technique with focused, classroom-tested code examples, detailed line-by-line explanations, and real program output. This exceptionally clear, easy-to-understand book takes you from your first Perl script to database-driven applications. It’s the only Perl book you’ll ever need!
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by M3ele3

The expert tuition and approach to rapid learning in Accelerated SQL Server 2008, one of the first SQL Server 2008 books available, will enable SQL Server and other database professionals to make the leap to the latest release of Microsoft’s flagship database management system quickly. Take full advantage of the new features of SQL Server 2008, know what tools are available, and quickly realize the power and ease of use that SQL Server 2008 has to offer.
- Lightning–quick introduction to SQL Server 2008
- Written by top experts in the field
- Provides a solid grounding in key features and technologies ”
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by M3ele3
For adding value your administration process, shredders are one of main tools to have. as one of the best site product reviews giving you wide selection of shredders with different use and objectives reviews. There are at least four different categories based on the purpose of shredders use. A shredder that is specified by is able to perform in files use, financial use, home use and also office use.
To support your administration work process, you can get shredders from Fellows Powershed that has confetti-cut style. This product also has 8 sheets capacity with 11 ft/min speed. Beside for office use, and other comments are agree to specify these products also good for home use, financial papers, and files.
in, especially for shredders products, we can get reviews both from Wize and customers itself. You can also post your comment regarding to your experience in using shredders. If you are doing pre-purchase research of shredders, is the best resource to see. There is also statistical review of yes and no regarding to the purpose in using these products. Mostly, shredders manufactures produce shredders with their easy to use, fast, durability, and quite in processing.
by M3ele3

The book deals extensively with one of the most critical elements in data warehouse design: the problem of how to handle time in the model. He examines many different roles that time plays in the model, including its role in the construction of dimensions.
The crux of his analytical efforts come with the introdution of his “Dot Modeling” method. This method provides a simple, but highly useful, conceptual framework for generating the logical model of the data warehouse. It also gives explicit support for handling most of the time-related issues. A major added benefit is that the basic Dot Modeling constructs are far simpler yet more complete than standard Entity/Relationship modeling diagrams, which makes it a joy to use with end users, who are able to construct complete and easy to comprehend data models without being required to learn any arcane Parent/Child terminologies or be dragged down into a discussion of the pros and cons of a Snowflaked model.
The rest of the book covers many other essentials of data warehouse construction, including physical implementation issues, an excellent discusion on the business justification for the project and its importance for success, and project management suggestions.
Enjoy this great book!
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by M3ele3

Providing the tools and techniques necessary for finding errors and fraud in audits, this guide for auditors looking to better validate their Microsoft Excel spreadsheets provides techniques for performing a risk assessment and gathering spreadsheet and other data from company systems. Performing audit data analysis using data and analytical management functions and pinpointing the common errors in spreadsheets with focused Excel tests is discussed, as are the best practices for error and fraud prevention when developing spreadsheets. This reference is fully updated to reflect Excel 12.
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by M3ele3

*Shows readers how to use Java to harness the power of object-oriented programming
*Includes thirty one-hour lessons that recreate a typical week-long introductory seminar
*Focuses on the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
*Helps readers to develop skills that are critical to many Web services scenarios
*The author was one of the first Sun Certified Instructors and has since taught Java to thousands of developers
*Companion Web site features an online presentation by the author that follows along with each chapter and includes
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by M3ele3
Having a bread machine is sometimes as the main requirement for your home kitchen. With bread machine, it helps you in preparing breakfast easier. This product also can help you using your time more efficient. as request the web’s best offers you high quality bread machines collections from many different brands and manufactures. at least specifies these brand machines into four main categories of bread machines for bread, for Gluten free bread, for pizza dough, and for rolls. You can start your selection based on these categories.
For one of the best product reviews site, giving you Zojirushi BB-HAC10 Bread Maker with five stars reviews. reviewing this product has its compact, durable, quiet, and easy to clean advantages to have. Along with its 1 lbs maximum load capacity, gives this high quality bread machine for pizza dough use. also some customer reviews is specifying Breadman as one of bread machines that is able to use for pizza dough, for rolls, also good for gluten free bread. There are many more selections and options for bread machines in Start to evaluate your main purpose for having bread machines and go to see reviews before you are purchase one of it.
by M3ele3