Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008

Prepare for the Oracle Certified Professional Oracle Database 11g New Features for Administrators exam with help from this exclusive Oracle Press guide. In each chapter, you’ll find challenging exercises, practice questions, a two-minute drill, and a chapter summary to highlight what you’ve learned. This authoritative guide will help you pass the test, and serve as your essential on-the-job reference. Get complete coverage of all
OCP objectives for exam 1Z0-050, including:
Installation and upgrades
Partitioning and storage
Intelligent infrastructure
Diagnostics and fault management
Oracle Recovery Manager and Oracle Flashback
Oracle SQL Performance Analyzer
SQL plan management
Automatic SQL tuning
On the CD-ROM:
One full practice exam that simulates the actual OCP exam
Detailed answers and explanations
Score report performance assessment tool
Complete electronic book
Bonus exam available free with online registration
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by M3ele3
The deadline of the academic paper that you should be doing must not prevent you from reaching your academic goal in time. If you have a busy schedule and you are in a stressful time to manage your activities with upcoming essay writing deadline, you can get the solution in the website at Whatever your type of essay is, you have it done within 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, or 20 hours.
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by M3ele3

Many countries around the world block or filter Internet content, denying access to information–often about politics, but also relating to sexuality, culture, or religion–that they deem too sensitive for ordinary citizens. Access Denied documents and analyzes Internet filtering practices in over three dozen countries, offering the first rigorously conducted study of this accelerating trend.
Internet filtering takes place in at least forty states worldwide including many countries in Asia and the Middle East and North Africa. Related Internet content control mechanisms are also in place in Canada, the United States, and a cluster of countries in Europe. Drawing on a just-completed survey of global Internet filtering undertaken by the OpenNet Initiative (a collaboration of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, the Oxford Internet Institute at Oxford University, and the University of Cambridge) and relying on work by regional experts and an extensive network of researchers, Access Denied examines the political, legal, social, and cultural contexts of Internet filtering in these states from a variety of perspectives. Chapters discuss the mechanisms and politics of Internet filtering, the strengths and limitations of the technology that powers it, the relevance of international law, ethical considerations for corporations that supply states with the tools for blocking and filtering, and the implications of Internet filtering for activist communities that increasingly rely on Internet technologies for communicating their missions.
Reports on Internet content regulation in forty different countries follow, with each country profile outlining the types of content blocked by category and documenting key findings.
Ross Anderson, Malcolm Birdling, Ronald Deibert, Robert Faris, Vesselina Haralampieva, Steven Murdoch, Helmi Noman, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, Mary Rundle, Nart Villeneuve, Stephanie Wang, and Jonathan Zittrain
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by M3ele3

However ardently the Unix community may wish for it, Windows NT (and its successors) aren’t going away. Furthermore, the idea of a “Windows shop” that is
distinct from a “Unix shop” is unrealistic in many cases. Samba allows Windows NT machines to interact with Unix machines by handling Windows Server Message Block (SMB) calls. Samba: UNIX and NT Internetworking takes a platform-neutral approach to Samba that is suitable for any reader, regardless of greater familiarity with either Windows or Unix. This book will help you get Samba running, but lots of books will do that. This is the one to read if you have a strange Samba problem or you just want to know more about how the server and its clients work.
The conversational writing style in this book is liberally punctuated with lines from configuration files, Windows Registry entries, and tables that list options. The conceptual diagrams are particularly good (if a bit pixilated)–they complement the text rather well. Windows 2000 is taken into particular consideration in this book, and you’ll find quite a bit of information about how Samba interacts with it. The notes on Samba’s implications for Active Directory are worth reading too. And you’ll be pleased to find a copy of Samba 2.0.5.a on the companion CD-ROM, complete with source code and some additional documentation. –David Wall
Topics covered: Samba 2.0.x and its relationship to Unix, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. Installation, configuration, authentication, names, domains, file shares, print shares, administration tools, and troubleshooting all receive attention.
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operating system
by M3ele3
Jumat, 18 Juli 2008

XML and Java(tm): Developing Web Applications is a tutorial that will teach Web developers, programmers, and system engineers how to create robust XML business
applications for the Internet using the Java technology. The authors, a team of IBM XML experts, introduce the essentials of XML and Java development, from a review of basic concepts to thorough coverage of advanced techniques. Using a step-by-step approach, this book illustrates real-world implications of XML and Java technologies as they apply to Web applications. Readers should have a basic understanding of XML as well as experience in writing simple Java programs.
XML and Java enables you to:
* Develop Web business applications using XML and Java through real-world examples and code * Quickly obtain XML programming skills * Become familiar with Document Object Models (DOM) and the Simple API for XML (SAX) * Understand the Electronic Document Interchange (EDI) system design using XML and Document Type Definition (DTD), including * coverage on automating business-to-business message exchange * Leverage JavaBean components * Learn a hands-on, practical orientation to XML and Java
XML has strong support from industry giants such as IBM, Sun, Microsoft, and Netscape. Java, with its “write once, run anywhere” capabilities, is a natural companion to XML for building the revolutionary Internet applications described in this book. XML and Java demonstrates how developers can harness the power of these technologies to develop effective Web applications. If you want to learn Java-based solutions for implementing key XML features–including parsing, document generation, object tree manipulation, and document processing–there is no better resource than this book.
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PHP and Web
by M3ele3
In today’s modern world everything’s gone online. Indeed that internet has changed the way people doing things. From gathering information, interacting with people, and doing business. It’s no surprise if we’ve seen people do online transaction in their business. This massive media has a powerful and world wide reach in just a click of a sound. And that’s why for that reason also, many businesses has turn their attention to online marketing as one of their marketing strategies to contributes to their goals. And many as we’ve seen today, a lot company have adopted it. It’s proven to be a strategic strategy with outstanding results.
And one of the forms of online marketing is with email marketing. It’s been used by many companies in the world to introduce their products and service through emails. And to set up and have a successful email marketing campaign, I would like to recommend you with a great online marketing service which can give you the best email marketing campaign service. With its powerful email marketing software, viper mailer can provides you with a professional graphic email campaign in minutes, deliver high profile messages, mass mailer deliverability, select time and day to send your message, and powerful email management. With such features this email marketing software has, it hoped that it can retain your customer and brand loyalty. So give a try to have your successful email marketing campaign with awesome email marketing software.
by M3ele3

A thorough guide to understanding IP behavior in a router-based network
Learn IP behavior in a Cisco router-based network from an expert
Examine proven, effective troubleshooting techniques to eliminate the need for additional technical support
Master IP fundamentals that everyone supporting an IP network needs to know
Study visual explanations of complex real-world scenarios
IP Routing Primer focuses on how IP routing behaves in a Cisco routerCisco routersteaching the core fundamentals, this book enhances your ability to troubleshoot IP routing problems yourself, often eliminating the need to call for additional technical support. In instances where additional support is required, this book will help you work more efficiently with customer support engineers by enhancing your ability to describe problems correctly. as a learning tool. In addition to environment and also shows how you can use
The information is presented in an approachable, workbook-type format with dozens of detailed illustrations and real life scenarios integrated throughout.
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by M3ele3

Unix Unleashed, Third Edition is written with the power user and system administrator in mind. This book will help the reader understand the nuances of the major Unix
variants including SVR4, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, BSD, IRIX, SunOS, and Linux. It will help the reader decide which Unix shell works best for their particular situation. Other topics such as Kernel Configuration, Networking, User Administration, and File Management are covered extensively for the administrator who wants a variety of options to choose from for best performance. The book also provides in-depth coverage of configuring and optimizing mail, DNS, HTTP and other services many companies deploy across their intranet and on the Internet.
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operating system
by M3ele3
Kamis, 17 Juli 2008

Color and Mastering for Digital Cinema explores the implications for motion picture post production processes and changes required to the supporting equipmentsciencestudy
By Glenn Kennel, Glenn Kennel is VP/GM of Feature Film Services at Laser Pacific Media Corporationbusiness developmentcareerscannerschairs
* Brilliant 4-color illustrations compliment the color science explanations
* Never before published industry information from author Glenn Kennel, a world leader in digital cinema color technology
* This book describes the key issues and provides background on decisions that were made in the standardization process of the development of DLP Cinema® projectors by Texas Instruments. Finally, this book explores how the XYZ color encoding concept can be extended to support enhanced display technologies in the future. and experience in other industries. The rationale for choosing XYZ and the other color encoding parameters is explained and the book also provides a full case and software. While a new concept to the motion picture community, the selection of the wide gamut, output-referred XYZ color space for digital cinema distribution is based on decades of color the SMPTE DC28 Color ad hoc group and the DC28.20 Distribution working group.
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by M3ele3
If you have any identity numbers or information that related to your personal databases such as credit card, you will need the protector service from the well known and trusted identity protector service, life lock. What is life lock? It’s a kind of identity protection service that will give you guarantee for the safety for your credit card number.
The number of identity stolen crime in USA were already reach 10 millions victims every year, can you imagine that you will be the one of those victims? This kind of criminal were try to use your credit card for shopping until reach the maximum credit limits of your credit cards.
You can directly go to the main site of the life lock website at to know about available service product from life lock, and to get the special offering related to the newest product of life lock, you can go the site of promotional program called lifelock promo code at With lifelock promo codes you will get the maximum protection of life lock, but you will get the discount on the monthly fees. At the first 30 days while using life lock, you will free of monthly fees, and after that you were only require to pay for only $9, with the low monthly fees, you will get the protection guarantee up to $1,000,000.
by M3ele3

Although the World Wide Web is enjoying enormous growth rates, many Web publishers have discovered that HTML is not up to the requirements of modern
corporate communication. For them, Adobe Acrobat offers a wealth of design possibilities. The close integration of Acrobat in the World Wide Web unites the structural advantages of HTML with the comprehensive layout possibilities of Portable Document Format (PDF). On the basis of practical examples and numerous tricks, this book describes how to produce PDF documents efficiently. Numerous tips on integrating Acrobat into CGI, JavaScript, VBScript, Active Server Pages, search engines, and so on make the book a mine of information for all designers and administrators of Web sites.
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PHP and Web,
by M3ele3

For the electronic engineer or computer scientist, Halsall provides a detailed and sweeping view of current computer networksInternetsoupcircuit
The book also covers recent developments in wireless nets. Including the infrared Bluetooth and the cellphone
Finally, as he ascends the protocol stack (which is another concept clearly explained), he gets to the Internet. Detailed exposition of DNS, which is one of the core functionalities. Email is also gone into, as this was the first killer app of the Internet. As someone who is involved with antispam technology, I found his description of the email structure and relaying to be concise and spot on. A good level of explanation that covers all the key points.
Naturally, for all of the book’s topics, you can find entire books devoted to each. But the encapsulated view of the book is hard to beat. switching approach, which gives a very high reliability. of ISDN, ADSL, SONET and the like. He shows that one of their defining characteristics is a . To those readers who might consider computer networking synonymous with the Internet, the first few chapters explain otherwise. Like the telephone networks. Originally all analog, they are now mostly digital. Halsall goes through the sundry alphabet . With an understandable emphasis on the nets. Where the latter arguably affects as many people as the Internet.
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by M3ele3

The revision and inclusion of new material by these influential authors has created a must-own book for anyone in this profession.
* This new edition now contains essential information on steganalysis and steganography
* New concepts and new applications including QIM introduced
* Digital watermark embedding is given a complete update with new processes and applications
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by M3ele3
Have a blessed and better life with your family by owning your personal identity protected from the illegal action of personal identity theft. Go to the site of Life Lock and take the offer of the personal identity theft prevention along with the advantages within the packages. Feel securer in creating transaction anytime and anywhere without concern about your personal identity being taken. Visit the site and learn the LifeLock review to get more perceptive about their service.
By applying the service you'll get the advantages of credit report along with fraud alert. You'll be informed whenever there's an indication of some personal identity usage manipulation. You'll as well get the service of junk mail service decrease, phone solicitors' decrease, and wallet lock. Discover more about the value of Life Lock and learn the articles and news to give you acknowledgments before enrolling for LifeLock service.
To get started you'll be able to enroll online through LifeLock site and equalise a lot of advantage by using the LifeLock promotional material Code. You'll be able to acquire maximum price reduction and lower each month fee and you can as well feel free service for the first 30 days, not only for you but also for your kids if you've any. They work on reliable service capability by applying you the $1 million guarantee.
by M3ele3

Wikis are Web-based applications that allow all users not only to view pages but also to change them. The success of the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia has drawn increasing attention from private users, small organizations and enterprises to the various possible uses of wikis.
Their simple structure and straightforward operation make them a serious alternative to expensive content management systems and also provide a basis for many applications in the area of collaborative work. We show the practical use of wikis in carrying out projects for users as well as for maintainers. This includes a step-by-step introduction to wiki philosophy, social effects and functions, a survey of their controls and components, and the installation and configuration of the wiki clones MediaWiki, TWiki and Confluence. In order to exemplify the possibilities of the software, we use it as a project tool for planning a conference.
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PHP and Web
by M3ele3
Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

A simple, practical, and concise guide to timber design
To fully understand structural design in wood, it is not sufficient to consider the individual components in isolation. Structural Wood Design: A Practice-Oriented Approach Using the ASD Method offers an integrative approach to structural wood design that considers the design of the individual wood members in the context of the complete wood structure so that all of the structural components and connectors work together in providing strength. Holistic, practical, and code-based, this text provides the reader with knowledge of all the essentials of structural wood design:
Wood structural elements and systems that occur in wood structures
Structural loads—dead, live, snow, wind, and seismic—and how to calculate loads acting on typical wood structures
Glued-laminated lumber and allowable stresses for sawn lumber and Glulam
The design and analysis of joists and girders
Floor vibrations
The design of wood members subjected to axial and bending loads
Roof and floor sheathing and horizontal diaphrams
Exterior wall sheathing and wood shear walls
The design of connections and how to use the connection capacity tables in the NDS code
Several easy-to-use design aids for the preliminary sizing of joists, studs, and columns
In keeping with its hallmark holistic and practice-oriented approach, the book culminates in a complete building design case study that brings all the elements together in a total building system design.
Conforming throughout to the 2005 National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood, Structural Wood Design will prepare students for applying the fundamentals of structural wood design to typical projects, and will serve as a handy resource for practicing engineers, architects, and builders in their everyday work.
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by M3ele3

Every workplace has its share of conflict, and one of training’s universal goals is to help organizations resolve it in a way that brings benefit to everyone involved. This timely activity book offers 30 ready-to-use exercises trainers can use to help workshop participants communicate more effectively and create positive outcomes from conflict situations. The Conflict and Communication Activity Book features:
* Field-proven exercises from the authors’ worldwide experience
* Easy-to-follow instructions for preparation, additional reading, and Q & A processes
* Valuable essays on handling conflict situations
* An Exercise Matrix to sort activities by type, length, and other parameters
It also includes a jam-packed Trainer’s Toolbox containing more than sixty handouts, flipcharts, and overheads; workshop agendas; instructions for breakout sessions; and tons more. From the quick-fix solutions of the “My Workshop Starts in Five Minutes” section to fully developed sessions, this book will be every educator’s best friend.
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by M3ele3
If you are about to have special occasions of birthday parties, anniversaries, graduation party, new baby, and more you can take a look at the options of gifts products online in the website at Go to the website and you will see the stock of gift baskets for different occasion events. The products are delivered in various ranges of price from under $50 up to over $150.
You can also pick among the special products of summer gifts and international gifts. The form of the gift basket are various such as French garden flower bouquet, wine gift baskets, gourmet gift baskets, new baby gifts, fresh fruit baskets, flowers, and more. To narrow down your options and make it easier for you to choose you can take a look at the top 10 gift baskets such as golden gourmet, metropolitan gift basket, California signature wine gift baskets, thank you gift baskets, the Napa experience wine gift baskets, the Orchard fruit baskets, and so on.
To see the full list of the products offered you can check out the website yourself and pick from the categories of the best sellers, last minute gifts, occasions of funeral gifts, romantic gifts, sympathy gifts, and many more. Call them for further questions.
by M3ele3
Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

The Architects’ Handbook provides a comprehensive range of visual and technical information covering the great majority of building types likely to be encountered by architects, designers, building surveyors and others involved in the construction industry. It is organised by building type and concentrates very much on practical examples.
Including over 300 case studies, the Handbook is organised by building type and concentrates very much on practical examples. It includes:
· a brief introduction to the key design considerations for each building type
· numerous plans, sections and elevations for the building examples
· references to key technical standards and design guidance
· a comprehensive bibliography for most building types
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by M3ele3

Complete, practical coverage of the evaluation, analysis, and design and code requirements of seismic isolation systems. Based on the concept of reducing seismic demand rather than increasing the earthquake resistance capacity of structures, seismic isolation is a surprisingly simple approach to earthquake protection. However, proper application of this technology within complex seismic design code requirements is both complicated and difficult.
Design of Seismic Isolated Structures provides complete, up-to-date coverage of seismic isolation, complete with a systematic development of concepts in theory and practical application supplemented by numerical examples. This book/CD-ROM set helps design professionals navigate and understand the ideas and procedures involved in the analysis, design, and development of specifications for seismic isolated structures. It also provides a framework for satisfying code requirements while retaining the favorable cost-effective and damage control aspects of this new technology.
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by M3ele3

Sandwich panels are being used increasingly as the cladding of buildings like factories, warehouses, cold stores and retail sheds. This is because they are light in weight, thermally efficient, aesthetically attractive and can be easily handled and erected. However, to date, an authoritative book on the subject was lacking. This new reference work aims to fill that gap.
The designer, specifier and manufacturer of sandwich panels all require a great deal of information on a wide range of subjects. This book was written by a group of European experts under the editorship of a UK specialist in lightweight construction. It provides guidance on:
* materials used in manufacture
* thermal efficiency and air- and water-tightness
* acoustic performance
* performance in fire
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by M3ele3
Playing video games must be fun and you may be addicted to it already. If want to complete your game collection you may be interested to look at the website at and search for video games. In the website you will be finding many options of game consoles. Pick among the best one delivered by different manufacturers such as Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. Find also about getting started with the gaming guide.
Choose your favorite games among the well known games such as Guitar Hero III, Super Mario Galaxy, Rock Band, Mariokart, and many more. All things about the contents above are linked to the web page. See the offer of top products of video game console, PSP or DS Lite game system, game controllers, and many more. You can also search and shop for video game accessories there, for it provides you complete video game resources.
In searching for the game stuff you need, you can also search by brand. Take a look at the products of Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, and others. Each category offers you many products in a list and each product is displayed with a brief review to make it easier for you to know about the products. Start shopping now.
by M3ele3
Structural Foundation Designers’ Manual
Wiley-Blackwell | ISBN: 140513044X | 2006-12-11 | PDF | 392 pages | English | 7.6 Mb
This manual for civil and structural engineers aims to simplify as much as possible a complex subject which is often treated too theoretically, by explaining in a practical way how to provide uncomplicated, buildable and economical foundations.
It explains simply, clearly and with numerous worked examples how economic foundation design is achieved. It deals with both straightforward and difficult sites, following the process through site investigation, foundation selection and, finally, design.
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by M3ele3

Learn to design code-compliant, earthquake-resistant structures with this practical guide Earthquake Engineering demonstrates how to design structural members and joints for seismic resistance. The text guides readers through dozens of structural designs, documenting how to perform each step, make the necessary calculations, and adhere to relevant design codes. Most other texts on seismic design focus on theory and the construction of idealized structures; this text is a radical departure, presenting actual tested design methodologies that protect structures from the devastation of earthquakes.
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by M3ele3
Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Steel frames are used in many commercial high-rise buildings, as well as industrial structures, such as ore mines and oilrigs. Enabling construction of ever lighter and safer structures, steel frames have become an important topic for engineers. This book, split into two parts covering advanced analysis and advanced design of steel frames, guides the reader from a broad array of frame elements through to advanced design methods such as deterministic, reliability, and system reliability design approaches. This book connects reliability evaluation of structural systems to advanced analysis of steel frames, and ensures that the steel frame design described is founded on system reliability.
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by M3ele3
Are you one of the games freak? If yes, you find the right site. Here in the you can find the latest and the hottest game you’re looking for. You can get the original game you desire with a cheap price according to the game.
There are various types of games you can find and download here. For Xbox player you can find the latest MMORPG game that you can play multiplayer with your friends on the internet. For PS3 games, PS2 games and PS games player you can order the DVDs and the CDs with the special price under $10,00. You can also find the games for Wii games and GBA Games here. For every type of games you can choose from the various genres. You can play sport games, MMORPG games, strategy games, adventure games, or even classical game.
There are many special offers of some titles for the real gamers. You can get it only in this site. Get the latest, hottest game with the best quality here. The easy process and the simple payment will make you easier to get the game you want and you can stay up to date playing the latest game. The site also supply cheat codes if you need some guidance.
by M3ele3

This book describes the mathematical aspects of the semantics of programming languages. The main goals are to provide formal tools to assess the meaning of programming constructs in both a language-independent and a machine-independent way and to prove properties about programs, such as whether they terminate, or whether their result is a solution of the problem they are supposed to solve. In order to achieve this the authors first present, in an elementary and unified way, the theory of certain topological spaces that have proved of use in the modeling of various families of typed lambda calculi considered as core programming languages and as meta-languages for denotational semantics. This theory is now known as Domain Theory, and was founded as a subject by Scott and Plotkin. One of the main concerns is to establish links between mathematical structures and more syntactic approaches to semantics, often referred to as operational semantics, which is also described. This dual approach has the double advantage of motivating computer scientists to do some mathematics and of interesting mathematicians in unfamiliar application areas from computer science.
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by M3ele3
Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

This modern, advanced textbook reviews modal logic, a field which caught the attention of computer scientists in the late 1970’s. The development is mathematical; prior acquaintance with first-order logic and its semantics is assumed, and familiarity with the basic mathematical notions of set theory is required. The authors focus on the use of modal languages as tools to analyze the properties of relational structures, including their algorithmic and algebraic aspects. Applications to issues in logic and computer science such as completeness, computability and complexity are considered.
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by M3ele3